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My Buzz

Since winning the #SBS its been an absolute whirlwind. My dreams have well and truly come true. I cant thank Theo enough.

My Bio

From very early on I have very happy memories from the times I spent with my beloved Gran. All the times we spent together were full of love and laughter. The overriding memory is from when she used to call me her ‘little rosebud’, every time I think of those times or hear the words, my heart fills with love and a huge smile comes over my face. I wanted to share that feeling with others which is how ‘Rosebud by Design’ started. My ethos now is to design jewellery which will create a memory which will last a lifetime and makes dreams come true. Every time the owner looks at a piece of jewellery I’ve created I want them to remember the happy times and smile.

My Business Tips

Never give up on your dream.
Whenever it seems like you are getting no where, keep fighting, your dreams will be come a reality.

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