My Buzz

Evercreatures is the last British brand of wellington boots to own its production facilities. This is why we can offer such quality at very affordable prices. Thanks to our manufacturing expertise, we are able to launch new products every 2 months.
December 2015: Evercreatures is proud to announce the acquisition of Rainmac, a beautiful brand of UK made rain coats.

My Bio

Gilles Mangin is a French-born executive with 18 years experience in Asia, in manufacturing and distribution. Expert in wellington boot (rubber rain boots) manufacturing, he acquired one of his customers, Evercreatures, in 2012 to have a more direct access to the market. A company was set up in the UK with warehousing and distribution facilities. The unique association manufacturing-distribution proved extremely fruitful and in 2015 Evercreatures self-financed the acquisition of Rainmac, a brand of UK made raincoats founded in 1990.
Future plans include the expansion of the wellie distribution to more countries in Europe, keeping the UK as our central node and the development of Rainmac.

My Business Tips

We have seen many businesses in our industry falter because they did not have a good grasp of the manufacturing process and its constraints. Our success relies on a perfect understanding of all the issues involving with actually making our products. We integrate this view from the very beginning of the design process to avoid as much as possible typical pitfalls. This allows us to launch the most new products in the market every year even though we are - still - not the biggest brand.

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