My Buzz

I've just launched a course!


In order to make social media management easier for all small businesses without the stress and overwhelm, I created an accessible course on Social Media Strategy & Content for Business where small business owners can get a plan in place that makes their social media marketing more effective without the overwhelm of where to begin.


Find it here over on Udemy!

My Business Tips

The only thing constant in social media is change. Things can change daily even, with some changes being rolled out and announced and others just a sudden surprise.

But one thing that stays the same is that social media is all about being social. It's a place to create dialogues with your followers, not to just post and go. Ask questions, get conversations going, and focus on where your audience is most likely to be (don't feel the need to be on ALL the different social media platforms as this can be a waste of time and effort.)

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