My Buzz

#SBS will help us to change the world a stitch at a time. Fantastic opportunity - thanks Theo

My Bio

Long term business owner, repressed crafter and successful business consultant. Starting Seek It Out in April 2012 with my husband, alongside other business interests, was a dream come true. A way to help other repressed crafters get into sewing, knitting, stitching, crochet and so much more. We are changing the world a stitch at a time, and the world it is, with exports taking off too! Next project small order wholesale; it is just a pleasure to be in business, lucky to be able to say that!

My Business Tips

Plan how you will go about it, not just financially, so much more than a cash flow forecast to running a business. Pace yourself and realise Rome was not built in a day and it takes a lot of hard work. You are not your business, it is something stand alone, get that and you will be able to make non emotional realistic decisions for your business - crucial.

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