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My Buzz

Winning #SBS in the 2nd week of the year has given me the challenge to take the business to the next stage.
Department stores here I come.
It has also increased my followers and linked me to people that I would already like to work with #feelverylucky

My Bio

A simple idea born over 12 years ago, when my daughter was 3 years old, not wanting to tie a scarf around her neck, the button around collar was the solution.

Developed into grown-up version this appealed to all ages,when faced redundancy in 2011 and at the grande age of 40 and single mom to Isobel(15) Dewey(2) it was now or never. I decided to, bite the bullet and with no business skills or training, Rew Clothing was launched.

Rew brings into existence quirky and directional items of clothing that are really easy to wear. Rew has a strong identity and a passion for versatility enabling the wearer to dress with confidence. Disregarding obvious trends the focus of Rew is to produce garments that may be worn and treasured over time.
With the focus for Rew about British made products I use local manufactures so we can work in season and change designs quickly and effectively.

Like the leader of a small stylish society,in 19 months Rew has achieved 120 stockists in the U K and an online presence.

My latest collection comprises of my signature trade mark tassels, these have been incorporated into collars developing the new alternative to the scarf. These stunning ruffle collars fastening with a simple button or buckle, mould and sculpting the neckline to change the look of an outfit instantly.

All our collections are handmade and individually designed variations will occur in each item producing unique clothing and accessories to be worn and treasured.

“REW Clothing Rew” are members and supporters of ACID (Anti Copying in Design). All the intellectual property rights in our designs and in the images on this website are and will remain the property of REW Clothing Rew. Any infringements will be taken seriously

My Business Tips

Rise above your limiting beliefs and follow your instinct.
Do not be afraid to ask for help in areas you have limited knowledge.
Most of all I have learnt to plan and set goals. Keep a note pad with you at all times you never know when that eureka moment may strike.
Most importantly something that I heard and tell myself when having wobbles is...
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

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