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The Furious Engineer Story

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Way back when – when calculators protruded from watches and ‘Mandate’ seemed like a great name for an aftershave…oh, ok not THAT long ago…

Way back when – when the cloud was still just a web; a budding engineer joined the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’s fansite.  I guess it looked marginally better than ceefax – just with pictures.  At the time (way back when) applicants didn’t ‘choose’ a username that they would forget (along with the password) – rather they entered their interests and studies into the site and someone called Al Gorithm devised a username on their behalf.  Mine was The Furious Engineer.

When Matt Osborne left the real world (after 16 years as an Aeronautical Engineer in both the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force and a short spell in industry) to start a career as a freelance engineering contractor, he naturally became The Furious Engineer.  The Furious Engineer has since grown into a company that has introduced a revolutionary method of providing freelance engineers, defence and business professionals into the public and private sector – and it will ultimately encompass all freelance professionals.

The journey has not been smooth; and there have been high costs, steep learning curves and invaluable lessons learned on the way.  A wealth of experience has not been amassed from painful lessons alone however – there have been great business coaches, there are very happy clients out there and the company recently won an award from Theo Paphitis himself.  Our Social Media prowess has also been rewarded with a Royal Connection as the ‘King of Engineering Consultancy’.  Not bad, eh?

The Furious Engineer is an entrepreneur and Chartered Engineer with a wealth of experience in the disciplines of engineering and aerospace; along with an in-depth knowledge of the freelancing world.

By writing The Furious Blog it is hoped that a modicum of light-entertainment can be brought to the daily grind – through observations and witticisms along with insightful and informative articles pertaining to the art and entrepreneurial aspects of freelancing.  Moreover, the comments and feedback from readers will inform how the blog morphs  – and the subject matters it covers.

In a previous incarnation, The Furious Blog provided a synopsis of data from leading articles with a sprinkle of supporting comments and observations.  Increased knowledge and experience has allowed the blog to morph into unique and thought-provoking articles delivered from the keyboard of The Furious Engineer.

Writing the blogs is cathartic and brings a huge release to The Furious Engineer.  The plan is for The Furious Blog to become the leading reference on all things freelance – by providing insightful articles from world-beating thought leaders, along with passionate outpourings on everyday matters.

The aim of The Furious Blog?  To inform and entertain in equal measures.


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