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How to keep every resolution without fail

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We have all done it. We make New Year resolutions in January, maybe struggle to keep them for a few days or even a few weeks, make ourselves miserable and then lapse back into our old habits.

Sure, we may keep a few of these resolutions during our life, but for the most part, it is a losing battle.

There is however a vital formula that can ensure that you keep every resolution without fail and we can all benefit from this simple procedure. The key lies in that word ‘resolution’ . When we make promises to ourselves, we should drop the ‘re’ bit of the word and concentrate on the ‘solution’.

Many of my clients benefit from this simple change to their thinking. “Consider why people make resolutions. It is usually because there is some aspect of their life that they want to change for the better. Then, instead of focusing on the great benefits that they will achieve, they focus on what they are giving up and so, of course they fail.”

 “In this life you attract whatever it is that you think about the most. If you think about negative words like giving up, stopping, doing less or changing something that you have enjoyed for years, then it is inevitable that your subconscious will rebel to ensure that this does not happen.”

Instead of thinking about resolutions, think about ‘solutions’. Think about how you will look, feel and sound when you have found the ‘solution’. Instead of thinking about what you may be giving up, think about what you will gain. Remember too that there is no success or failure; there is only result. Don’t beat yourself up if the result is not what you planned, just change something and start again.”

Many people get results that they see as failure and there are two main reasons for this. The first is that they expect to change the habits of a lifetime overnight and the human body and mind does not work like that. The other is that they attempt to do it alone. The help and support of a non-judgmental and uncritical third party is crucial to a good outcome.

Many people think that setting a resolution is all that it takes. I often spends the first few coaching sessions getting clients to fully appreciate why they choose what they choose and to examine their commitment to the change. Then I help them to define strategies for creating change with small action steps that will bring them gradually closer to their goals.

Achieving solutions begins with setting them correctly and then having support to make them happen in a timescale that the body and mind can and will accept.

New Year ‘Solutions’ are great if they get you thinking about your life. Remember, you can start work on a new solution at any time. The power of personal change is just too good to be limited to the first few days of the year and it really is possible to keep every resolution without fail.

If you would like to look at creating ‘solutions’ in your life then I would be delighted to discuss this with you through a one to one completely free 30 minute telephone/Skype conversation where you can ask any questions you may have about my coaching methods and how I can help you make the change you want to make. This session is open, supportive and non-judgmental and will help you decide what is the next best step for you to take.

Contact me at;

07799 651675

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