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Outsourcing to a Marketing Consultant IS it right for your business?

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YES! Outsourcing core processes such as marketing, PR, legal and accounts is a good idea.

According to wikipedia, the definition of outsourcing is “In business, outsourcing is an agreement in which one company contracts its own internal activity to different company. It involves the contracting out of a business process. Eg marketing!

So why do it? Outsourcing allows you to focus on what you do best within your business, whether it be selling, managing or market development. Outsourcing is flexible in terms of project type, length and cost. It is less of a commitment than recruiting an employee and is often less expensive in the long run.

In this current climate, stability of sales and growth is not easy to achieve. Using a consultant means you can increase or decrease your marketing efforts as and when the need arises and as the cash flow allows.

So grab some time back for you and your business and then look into outsourcing! If you are looking after others whether that be children or customers or staff, then you also need to be looked after and helped first. You cannot run on empty if you are to be of use to others.

If you are looking for more help and advice, take a look at our Marketing Downloads page

Or if you are ready to start outsourcing, take a look at our packages page

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