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Red Nose Day is on its way!

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This week at Robert Dyas we kicked off our fundraising activities for Red Nose Day by making our faces funny for money. Some of us had to put more effort into it than others, but everyone had lots of fun striking silly poses that they’d no doubt been practicing via Facebook for many years now. Look out for preposterous wigs and ridiculously-sized glasses on Twitter in the weeks leading up to the big day.

This year we’re also inviting our partners, suppliers and everyone else to join us in having a #CuppaForACause.

At 10am on Red Nose Day (Friday 13th March) we’ll be using a few dozen of our limited edition teapots to brew up some lovely hot cuppas for the whole office, all in aid of Comic Relief. We’re hoping that each and every one of you will do the same, because for each teapot sold at least £2.25 goes to charitable causes.

What better excuse for a tea break?

If you fancy joining us, you can pick up your teapot in any of our 95 stores or online at And don’t forget to make your face funny for money! 

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