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Ryman: Back to school? Tips on how to improve your child’s handwriting…

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Making marks in the sand while playing at the beach, messy play at nursery or simply a chunky crayon on paper is something that most children naturally attempt while growing up.

As they adventure through school writing becomes one of the main focus points for learning and expressing their knowledge. Sometimes children or teachers can become frustrated with handwriting for a number of reasons. Writing may be rushed with little thought given to each letter, messy to the point of illegible or just too squashed together.

If your child is struggling with writing whatever their age how can you help them improve?

There are many ways to improve handwriting including letter formation, pencil grip and spacing between words. Younger children can boost their confidence by practising the formation of each individual letter using a Handwriting Worksheet.

Print a Free Down Load Here and let them practice as much as they like.

We have put together some really simple ways to help your child improve their handwriting and grow to love expressing themselves through the power of the written word.

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