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Theo Paphitis #SBS Code of Conduct

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#SBS Code of Conduct

#SBS Winners must follow the #SBS Code of Conduct. We believe our community should be truly open for everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all. These guidelines will help ensure that the #SBS ethos is maintained, so it can continue to be a benefit and useful community for all past and future winners. 

The #SBS Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for winners’ behaviour, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behaviour.

By joining the #SBS Community, all winners agree to abide by the #SBS Code of Conduct. 

  1. Be Professional and Courteous 

1.1 #SBS Winners should act in a professional and courteous manner, and use sound judgement before posting on the #SBS Facebook group. 

1.2 All winners should, at all times, be polite, considerate and respectful of the opinions of other individuals. 

1.3 Please do not post comments that you would not say directly to another person, and only post what you feel is beneficial for the group. Please also consider how other people might react before you post. Refrain from using any speech or materials which are derogatory or demeaning to another winner. 

1.4 Posts and material which defame, abuse or threaten other winners will be removed immediately from any forum under the stewardship of #SBS and further action may be taken if required. Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated including but not limited to any form of intimidation, harassment, discrimination, and conduct deemed to be of a bullying nature. 

1.5 In certain circumstances, the #SBS Crew reserves the right to withdraw a #SBS win from any business who brings the competition or #SBS into disrepute, or falls short of the #SBS standards. The said business will require to cease using marketing material in conjunction with #SBS, refrain from using Theo Paphitis’ name or image in relation to the competition, and remove further mention of #SBS and their win on their website and on social media with immediate effect. As a result of the withdrawal, the said business will also forfeit the benefits available to them by way of being a #SBS winner, including but not limited to access to the #SBS Facebook group and other winner opportunities provided by the #SBS Crew. 

  1. Unsolicited Ads

2.1 We ask that you refrain from posting unsolicited advertisements that do not relate directly to the intended use of the group. 

2.2 Please refrain from using the #SBS forum to raise awareness for other social media competitions that are not relevant for the group. 

  1. Intellectual Property

3.1 #SBS Winners must note that, any images of or usage of the name “Theo Paphitis” or “#SBS” (including all variations), or any press release quote from Theo, plus any additional quotes by Theo, are not permitted to be used on any of their products, social media or websites, or in any other form by them, without prior approval, in writing, having been obtained from the #SBS crew.

3.2 Any right, title or interest from any of a winner’s permitted usage of Theo Paphitis’ or #SBS’ trademarks or branding accrues solely for Theo & #SBS’ benefit. 

3.3. At the #SBS crew’s request, a winner will be required to immediately remove (and if necessary destroy) any unauthorised material bearing Theo or #SBS trademarks or branding. 

  1. Change of status

4.1 If a winning business is sold on to a new owner, the business retains it’s #SBS win, assuming the nature of the business remains the same, or similar. The new owner must contact the #SBS Crew to notify them of the change in ownership.

4.2 If a winning business changes its name, or diversifies in what it does, winners must notify the #SBS Crew, who will assess if the winner can remain a party to the #SBS forum, and continue to receive the associated benefits. The #SBS Crew will look at each instance on a case by case basis, and their decision on whether to uphold a win is at their discretion, and is final.

4.3 Should a winning business cease to trade at any stage following their win, this must be communicated to the #SBS crew, and the business will cease to be part of the #SBS Community. The #SBS Crew retains the discretion to make exceptions where appropriate, in exceptional cases.

4.4 If your business, or its owners become involved, or associated with criminal or unlawful activities, the #SBS crew reserves the right to withdraw the win from this business, at its discretion. 

4.5 In the rare instance a business has had an #SBS win removed, the owner will no longer be able to attend an #SBSEvent in any capacity (including as a guest of another business). The #SBS Crew’s decision is final.

  1. Collaborations with other winners

5.1 Although we are fully in support of #SBS winners doing business with one another, winners should remember that good business practice should prevail before entering into a business relationship with another #SBS winner. All winners should carry out their own due diligence before entering into a working relationship with another #SBS winner, seeking legal advice as appropriate. 

5.2 Any #SBS winners who have entered into a business relationship with another winner should at all times show consideration for the other parties’ privacy. 

5.3 Please remember that Theo’s Retweet is designed to be a boost rather than an endorsement or accreditation, and therefore care should be taken when dealing with other #SBS winning businesses. 

5.4 Any disagreements between #SBS winners should be handled in a private manner, should not be broadcast on any #SBS forum and will not be mediated by #SBS. Theo Paphitis and the #SBS Crew will not liaise between businesses, should issues arise between businesses not involving #SBS. Do not tag Theo Paphitis or the #SBS Crew into any social media disagreements or communications between businesses involving unacceptable behaviour as outlined in sections 1.3 and 1.4.

Support your fellow #SBS winners.

#SBS Winners should at all times remember that #SBS was designed to generate publicity for small businesses and provide a supportive community for discussion & cooperation amongst like-minded business owners.  We encourage you to support your fellow #SBS winners on social media and in the real world where you can. Spread the #SBS Way of Positivity!

Please be mindful of how people may want to be contacted and network responsibly.  #SBS is a safe space for businesses to engage or just simply be part of the network, and each business’s personal space and boundaries must be respected. 


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