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My Buzz

At the core of Bays Consulting, is the desire to show people how data can not only be profitable; it can quite simply part the seas for a decision. I set up Bays Consulting with the aim of helping businesses, both big and small, reduce uncertainty surrounding their data. So when people ask; what’s your buzz? Sharing my love of maths, data and statistics with others, and finding people the statistics and insights that make them smile. Without my passion for data or my love of maths, Bays Consulting wouldn’t be where it is today!

My Bio

I am Sophie Carr. I love maths. Really love maths, but I didn’t set out to be a mathematician, I grew up loving aeroplanes (and Lego). I still love both, and studied aeronautical engineering followed by a Masters of Applied Mathematics. Then I found out about Bayesian statistics and that was a complete game changer. Whilst working full time I studied for a PhD in developing Bayesian Belief Networks – a type of probabilistic model.
I founded my own company to start showing how statistics and data science can help companies make the data they collect generate more profit and drive business forwards. Having worked with large scale corporations through to niche micro businesses across retail, science, transport and engineering I love finding patterns in data and showing how they help answer key decisions – that’s statistics (or data science) that makes people smile.

My Business Tips

Across all industries and regardless of company size, competition is fierce. The data every company collects can be the difference in finding the winning edge or the new avenue to exploit. Data science and statistics provide a framework to enable you to really investigate your business questions. Don’t ignore the data you collect.
We’ve seen data of all kinds, and business questions of every magnitude. So, whatever data your business produces and you collect to maximise its utility, think about a data strategy. What data do you need to answer your current questions and what, potentially, will be useful in the future? Ultimately, start to think about data as a currency!

My Latest Offers

We design, build and deliver standardised or bespoke training courses tailored to support your current or imminent projects and reports to maximise your learning, and meet your organisation’s needs.

Please see the range of standard training courses that we deliver. Contact us for any bespoke training requirements.