Creating great events, especially for creative clients and those with a cause that we are invested in. Nothing more satisfying than pulling off a great event that results in a charity or social enterprise raising money, profile or showcasing their work. Love working with arts organisations. Delighted to be listed at some of London's most iconic venues and some of Kent and the Cotswolds' most beautiful. Love working with a team of people who are friends. The business does what it says on the tin; it is Bennett (me) and friends, who all bring something unique to the business and all love working together on events. We pay 1.5 x the real London Living Wage (which is still more cost effective than paying agency rates) and are repaid in spades by people who are committed, enthusiastic and friendly! We build a team around your event and collaborate with people who help us and who we help with their own small businesses. We have fun. And I enjoy learning from others in business.
Reformed Analytical Marxist who never lost his sense of social justice but at a personal level found capitalism just too much fun. Loves a deal. Knows lots of chefs. Brought up in the family wine business. Bought a case of 1977 Taylors Port with my student loan in 1995 and sold it in 2002 for 15 times the price. Still remarkably poor but persistent. Many years in the Social Enterprise sector which I loved but grew tired of reporting to Boards. Enjoys driving dustcarts which is the default backstop (sorry).
Every event and catering business needs an Aunty Sandra.