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My Buzz

It will always be me you speak with, I absolutely love my job & covering bubbles is what I do. I have always referred to my family as my Bubble and we wanted to cover other peoples bubbles with the right protection and this is where CoverMyBubble was born.

CoverMyBubble is in memory of our daughter Lillie-Beth and she's my rainbow covering your family.

We are known for our Customer Services and we love to work with Small Businesses and give back to our clients. We email our clients with a list of treats to choose from and by doing this we are helping their businesses and making our clients smile. So watch out for 'Treat Your Bubble' :)

"If you make someone smile, you will smile twice as much" - Emma Director of CoverMyBubble

My Bio

We raise awareness of the importance of having personal insurance in place. We don’t want anyone to go through what we went through as a family.

In 2006 we lost our daughter Lillie-Beth aged just 1 month old. I couldn't work and therefor lost the income into my family. 4 Years later I suffered from a mini stroke and again no insurance and this led to us suffering financially for over 10 years.

We share our personal story to help raise awareness to other families as we don't want them to suffer the way we did due to having no insurance in place, such as:- Life Insurance, Critical Illness, Income Protection, Private Medical Insurance, Over 50's insurances and many more.

We make insurance simple, affordable & approachable to suit your families needs.

Having some insurance is better than none at all and can make a real difference if anything was to affect your family.

My Business Tips

When starting out, be wise with your money and don't fall into traps by using someone's services and not doing Due Diligence on them. Get feedback, look them up and request reviews from previous jobs, its not cheeky..... its being safe for your business. I did this and suffered the financial loss.

Network - try a few but not too many. Once you find your group, engage and get to know them, who knows what opportunity's you can get or even future collaborations to make your business stronger.

If you need help, look at those nearest to you. People love supporting new businesses, so don't be scared to ask for advise or help. Your network is there to support you, so use it.

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