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My Bio

We are a small family run business hiring out our classic early 1970’s VW Campervans in South East London for holidays and festivals and always open for a chat about all things related to Campervans.

With a lifelong love of Classic Cars, we started the business in 2012 after getting repeated requests to borrow our camper ‘Monty’ following his restoration back to life after years of neglect by previous owners and he now acts as our wedding hire vehicle.

He was joined by Honey, Sunny, Moneypenny and then Poppy who we also restored after finding her in a sorry state in a barn and with their highly original interiors they help our clients to step back to a time when life wasn’t so fast-paced.

Our goal is to tailor each trip away for our clients providing advice before and during their time with us and to this end we don’t use third party booking services as they remove the personal interaction we value.

We also provide the Campervans for Photography, film and television work, which to date has included the series open for “Strictly” in 2019, the short film “La La Means I Love You”, a live-action version of “Beautiful Thing” and in 2021 a supporting role in “Handsome” a moving documentary about Alex Bourne by his brother Nick.

My Business Tips

Embrace your passion and it will drive you to where you want to be.

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