Hey all, My name is Lisa and I created Green Cat Books in Spring 2017. I had just finishing writing my first novel, Winding Down (pen name Lisa J Rivers) and refused to accept the fact that there wasn't a publishing company around that;
a) didn't charge thousands to publish my book
b) wouldn't refuse or accept work from unknown authors.
I self-published my first book, Why I Have So Many Cats, back in 2014 and it was quite easy for me to do, so had every intention to do this again. Then I figured out that I could help others publish their books, so I set up Green Cat Books. In our first 2 years we have published 40 books and helped around 30 authors transform their manuscripts to print.
In 2018 we introduced Green Cat Books At Home to provide direct sales, increasing our author’s readership whilst providing Social Sellers with an additional income.
2019 sees the introduction of literary coaching, which extends our services further, and the introduction of writers’ bootcamps which will motivate aspiring and published authors and give them further support and accountability.
Never give up on your dreams