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My Buzz

I just love being outside and am constantly sharing my passion for the great outdoors and wildlife. So much so that I have now been named a Wellbeing warrior by people I know.

My Bio

I was really lucky to find my true vocation less than a year after leaving school. I spent 25 as a Greenkeeper looking after golf courses, 15 of them as a Head Greenkeeper. I gained numerous work qualifications, the crowning glory was a Degree in Fine Turf Management that I got when I was 38.
We are now in our 11th year running 2 lawn care franchises, which possibly makes me the highest qualified and experienced lawn care expert in my region.

My Business Tips

Be honest, kind and be true to yourself.
I learned very early on that I couldn't go round projecting an image of myself that really isn't me. I am naturally a very happy and cheeky person, that may not be right for some people. My view is not everyone will like me, but "What you see, is what you get"

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