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As a young family, we love board games! It’s as simple as that. For pure, simple, innocent fun with plenty of friendly banter thrown in, great board games are our go-to thing. We love what we do and have LOTS more fun ideas up our sleeves...Funny Fairies is just the beginning! Little Acorn Games has evolved into a real family business, created by our family to be enjoyed by yours, and our aim is to instil a love for board games from an early age, helping children to reap the many social benefits that playing board games together brings!

My Bio

Hi! I'm Jen; wife to Rob, mum to two young children aged 7 and 4, founder of Little Acorn Games and the creator of Funny Fairies - the fun fairy-building children's board game that will have the whole family laughing! I never set out to design a game – the idea literally popped into my head whilst playing some games from my childhood with my daughter Maddie (then aged 5). After she enjoyed ‘I’ve Created a Monster’ I thought I would buy her a fairy-building game for Christmas, but after a lot of searching, I couldn’t find one anywhere! I could see the finished game so clearly in my mind and was convinced she would love playing it, so there was only one option – make it myself and set up a company to get it out into the world! 18 months and one successful crowd-funding campaign later, Funny Fairies is available through our website and Amazon, building up a great collection of 5* reviews!

My Business Tips

Have unwavering belief in your product and only launch it when you are 100% happy with what you are offering. I was such a perfectionist during the design process, with a ridiculous amount of emails to-ing and fro-ing with my illustrator and graphic designer, but I needed the finished design to be just what I wanted in order to have the confidence to go for it!

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