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My Buzz

I enjoy challenging myself. I have a list of things I want to make and get great satisfaction when I tick something off. But the list never gets shorter as I keep adding to it!

My favourite stage of needle felting is when I start to see the shape of whatever I'm making appear in the wool.

I pour a lot of love into my work. I'm told my creations are cute and characterful, and that they make people smile. I'd be needle felting regardless, even if I didn't have a shop, I enjoy it so much. But I can't keep everything I make, so I will continue with the search to find new homes for my creations.

My Bio

Originally from North Wales, I'm currently living just over the border in Shropshire. I always regretted not continuing with art after I left school, but it's never too late as they say. In 2019 I bought a cheap felting kit and began experimenting. Fast forward to November 2020 when I opened my Etsy shop, selling my needle felted creations. I love what I do, and I can't make things fast enough. I'm heavily inspired by nature and make lots of birds and animals, interspersed with angels.

My Business Tips

It sounds simple, but keep going. And don't forget your why. Why do you do what you do? Keep in mind the passion with which you started your business.

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