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My Buzz

We have just relocated to Dorset to concentrate on expanding the live in side of our professional pet and home sitting service.

We are also recruiting for mature people/couples to join our busy team of self employed, live in pet sitters.

My Bio

Animals and their welfare have always played a huge part of my life and when my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in September of 1987 and I suffered a brain haemorrhage six months later, I decided to follow my dream of working with animals.
In 1998, Nina's Nannies for Pets was formed and from humble beginnings, we have expanded to cover the south of the country.
I am a passionate animal welfarist and we support small rescue centres local to our area, who do not enjoy the backing of corporate businesses.
Our company also offers discounts to rescue pets as part of our 'Adopt Don't Shop Campaign@ and senior citizens.

My Business Tips

Be passionate about your business. Understand your market and always strive to be the best.

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