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My Buzz

Wow what a whirlwind it has been since my win was announced on Monday evening! Such a big, warm welcome from the existing #SBS winners.

Particularly fun to have won in Royal Wedding week, when I was already doing a promotion to celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle.

My Bio

I've been representing as an affiliate marketer since 2016 and now this business stream has expanded to represent other artists and their work as well.

As Sassy (my Sassy Social Marketing alter ego) I have created Sassy Selects to bring my customers simply gorgeous stationery and delightful gifts.

My Business Tips

This is meant to be fun! Do what you love, but make the sums work.

If the fun has gone out of it, take a step back... maybe just a walk, or maybe as much as a holiday. Get some perspective and remember why you started your business.

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