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My Buzz

Artistic pendants & marbles
Compassionate memorial service
Eco-conscious products & delivery

Creating a range of beautiful and durable jewellery, collectable art and decor from high quality borosilicate glass.
Borosilicate is know for it's durability and stunning reactive colours, fully kiln annealed to ensure longevity.

Warning! Stunning glass may cause spontaneous conversation with strangers.

Blown glass Ornaments
– April 2018 Andrew Pollack
Paperweights and Inclusions
– October 2013 Diana East
Off Mandrel Sculpture in Soda Lime Glass
– April 2013 Lucio Bubacco
Translating Designs for Practical Lampworking
– March 2013 Marshall Hyde
Introduction to Off Mandrel Sculpture
– March 2012 Sally Carver

My Bio

I'm Scarlet and I'm a lampwork glass artist. I create from rods of coloured glass by melting it in the flame then I squash, pull or roll the semi molten glass into different shapes to make my work.

I live in rural Lincolnshire in a small village with my husband and two children. I love that I have great friends here and that I'm actively part of village life and our local Scout troop. It's quiet and surrounded by farmland, the perfect place to bring up my children.
We also have a great Etsy team here EtsyLincs which I am a team leader for.

I had been lampworking as a hobby for about 6 years. I did set up as a sole trader so I could sell a few pieces but I never really made it a "business" until 2016. A friend convinced me to do more and even told me about a few people that would be interested in buying from me. I set up a shop online a few days later and started treating it as a proper business. Everything does still feel a bit pieced together but it's certainly moving in the right direction. I'll still maintain I'm not actually a business person but an organised creative. I love what I do and being able to share that with others is a joy.

My Business Tips

Don't compare yourself to others, take your time to find what you love about what you do and if you need to go hide under a rock and continue to develop until you are ready to come out and say, hey this is me and look at this awesome thing I make.
In a completely opposite piece of advice though don't be afraid to reach out, the huge network of creative people is also your largest ally. We know what it's like to run a handmade business and plenty of us are willing to share our experience if there is something you are stuck with. There is certainly a lot to learn when you make the leap to starting a business.
