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My Buzz

Our hope at Shine is that our books can help to normalise a range of SEN (special educational needs) conditions within society. Shine Books were created primarily for 3-8 year olds, but there is no set age limit! We are passionate about taking away the stigma that often comes with them, and we believe that educating children from a young age in this area can have a positive impact on acceptance and understanding across society.

My Bio

Jo, a children’s author, mum and teacher with 10+ years experience, created the Shine Books to bring awareness and understanding to everyday conditions, such as dyslexia and ADHD.
Of the many jobs Jo does (teacher, parent, wife, cook, cleaner, dog walker etc..), writing books to help children realise how brilliant they are is definitely one of her favourites! You can visit her at or @theshinebooks.

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