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Spell Wizards is an engaging educational programme designed specifically to help children learn, while having fun along the way.

Easy to access and simple to use, Spell Wizards has been designed for children aged 4-11 in order to improve their spelling, and enhance their computer knowledge and typing skills.

Set up after a chance pool-side conversation by two dads-of-two, to support and engage their own children in learning; the simple idea has since grown into a fully-fledged and dynamic digital tool, which will help primary school children to realise their full potential and boost their confidence.

Accessible online as a web app, Spell Wizards is an effective support tool which can be used by schools, teachers and parents looking to encourage and engage children to learn through play, with the added benefit of being able to track their progress online.

My Bio

Hi, my name is Dave, I live in Market Harborough with my wife of 12 years and 2 children, Sophie and Chloe.
I enjoy running, writing code and dressing up as a Wizard!
Feel very honoured and privileged to win #SBS.

My Business Tips

Keep working hard!

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