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Support Small UK was founded in 2020 with a mission for supporting small businesses and building a community. In June 2023, the Support Small UK baton was handed over to Izzy! With a massive passion and experience in supporting small, local businesses alongside Digital Marketing, we're super excited to continue the legacy and celebrate so many local businesses within the UK!

Since 2020, Support Small UK  has skyrocketed and as of February 2023 we have a community of over 41,000 across our socials which includes incredible small business owners and members of the community who have the same passion for supporting local!

The Support Small UK Emporium is an online platform dedicated to helping small and independent UK businesses get the exposure they deserve, without the hefty price tags. An online marketplace, The Emporium, showcases hundreds of products which range from clothes, accessories, artwork to jewellery, homeware and more that you can browse and shop from the comfort of your own home. Alongside our 'Business Hub' bringing a team of content creators who are experts within their industry to provide support in building the skills & knowledge of running a business. All brought together with one membership for small, independent businesses!

Supporting small and showing your support for independent UK talent has never been easier!

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