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My Buzz

I had a big surge in twitter followers, over 50 in 24 hours and also a large amount of website views for that day. I hope to see a great increase here as I get more followers and then follow and interact with others

My Bio

Born in 1969 into the hotel, restaurant and pub trade, worked from the age of 8, went to boarding school in Ireland for 6 years until 18, very tough being the only kid who was regarded as English in Ireland when the troubles were on!
Went into hotels to work and found that I preferred sales. Sold a variety of products from websites to motorcycles and then found my niche in Wine.

Discovered extreme sports in my late 30's and did a half marathon, since then I have completed 4 Ironman Distance Triathlons, 15 Ultra marathons including a 100 mile Ultra marathon in 2012 which i completed in 24.08.
Somehow I managed to raise 3 children and keep a wife and somehow manage to keep everyone fairly happy

My Business Tips

Never, never, ever give up. No matter how tough, how hard it may seem, just keep going and soon the test will be over and you will reach the finish line and be a winner

My Latest Offers

10% discount to all #SBS winners on all wines and Champagnes, use the code SBS to get this permanent offer

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