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My Buzz

Launched in 2013, VoicesUK® is the award-winning platform for finding British voiceovers from our pool of seasoned & upcoming talent. Search for your perfect fit and message the artist for availability & current rates or create an audition for us to assist you in your search.

In 2016 we won two awards at the Surrey Digital Awards honouring outstanding online businesses. 2015 saw us recognised as one of former Dragon's Den investor Theo Paphitis's top companies. Read our FAQ for more information.

We have been in the running for best voiceover platform on several industry award schemes since our launch.

My Bio

I'm a composer, British voiceover, and the Founder of VoicesUK® & VoicesUS®. Graduating from the Academy of Contemporary Music in 1998, I write music for film, TV, and corporate projects. I'm the voice of brands like GoDaddy, Coca-Cola, and Mercedes-Benz. At the helm of our voiceover platforms, I lead a team delivering Emmy-winning voice talent for TV, radio, and online output.

My Business Tips

Keep honest. Talk to your customers and clients as you like to be talked to. Innovate, iterate, don't stagnate. Smile and remember how lucky you are to be running your own business.