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5 Retro Décor Styles Devaluing Your Home

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There’s nothing wrong with feeling a little nostalgic from time to time, but when it comes to moving home, there’s little room for sentiment. If your property is looking like a time capsule for another period, you’ll need to take some time to revamp the rooms and bring it into the modern era to enhance the appeal and value.

With “house moving season” on the horizon, there’s no better time than the present to strip away the retro fittings that are weighing down the price tag of your property. Here are some of the main features you need to get rid of to boost your home’s value.

Avocado bathrooms

Of all the great mysteries in the world, the eruption of avocado-coloured bathroom furniture in British housing is perhaps the biggest puzzle of all. Nobody is entirely sure how dark green bathtubs and sinks manged to become a prominent décor trend, but the modern verdict is unanimous – they need to go.

If your bathroom is still burdened by one of these now-deeply-unpopular styles, you’ll need to get rid before you go looking for a new place. Out with the avocado and in with the white.

Crazy patterned carpets

Carpets with heavy patterning, twisted shapes, and lurid colours were considered supremely stylish just a few decades ago. But times change. Now, in a climate where minimalism often reigns supreme, these kinds of carpets are widely regarded as gaudy.

Flooring can play a pivotal role in establishing a certain ambience within a room, and a loud-looking carpet can prove to be rather overwhelming to modern-day homebuyers. It’s best to pull up these crazy patterned carpets and put in something a little more relaxing before you sell up.

Swirly ceilings

Even if you aren’t familiar with the name Artex, you will have undoubtedly come across the design style at some point before. This form of surface coating is not only distinctive, it’s also extremely prevalent in homes across the UK after gaining considerable traction during the 1970s.

Now, however, protruding swirls on the ceilings aren’t considered “in” at all. Removing Artex coating and replacing it with a fresh, modern surface is well worth it, but will require professional assistance (as there is always the risk that these coatings could have asbestos looming inside).

Textured wallpaper

Textured wallpaper was considered a thing of beauty back in the seventies and eighties, but somewhere along the way we all began to grow out of it. In contemporary décor, smooth walls have come to represent quality and style, and textured wallpaper is being torn away by homeowners everywhere as a result. Get rid of those bumpy walls before you set off for pastures new and you should get a much better price for your property.

Cupboard clutter

Ample storage space is great, but there is such a thing as having too many cupboards in your home – especially if they vary in size and placement. Decluttering your cupboards and opening up a bit more natural space in your property can enhance the aesthetic appearance of your home and make it feel bigger and brighter – which will subsequently add value.

If you’d like to learn more about how to pull your property out of the dark ages to increase its price tag, contact the Hartleys team today. We’ll be delighted to help you in any way we can. 

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