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5 Security Tips to share with your employees

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PASSWORDS – These should be at least 10 characters long with a mix of lower and upper case letters, numbers and symbols

BROWSERS – Ensure secure browsers are used when accessing company webmail remotely by using the HTTPS protocol

EMAIL ATTACHMENTS – DO NOT  open emails and attachments from unknown senders, and DO NOT use the ‘Preview Pane’ in MS Outlook asit is the same as opening the email.

BYOD – We all know that this is ‘Bring your own device’ is where employees use their own smartphones, tables or laptops for work but it is essential that these are protect as well as the Comppany’s own IT assets.

SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS –  Ensure everyone understands the potential risks of downloading third party applications and abides to strict, clear guidelines

Call us fo guidance on assessing and implementing your Company’s IT Security systems

0330 2020 340     @amshire

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