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#5kfor5Years Charity Work…Design Pit and Parkinson’s UK

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What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition. This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time. There’s currently no cure for Parkinson’s and we don’t yet know why people get the condition. But there are lots of different treatments, therapies and support available to help those with the condition to manage it.

The condition affects the brain and causes cells in a particular part of the brain to stop working properly, and eventually they’re lost. These cells produce a chemical called dopamine, which is used by the brain to help contol movement; everything from walking and talking, to writing and even smiling. Eventually, the brain cannot produce enough dopamine to control movement properly and this is when the symptoms of Parkinson’s start to reveal themselves.

These problems can be subtle at first, but, as more cells are lost, problems with movement get worse. Some people suffer from other symptoms such as memory problems, stiffness, bladder problems, speech problems, slowness of movement, shaking and tremors, falls, swallowing problems, fatigue, anxiety, eye problems, dizziness and sleep problems.

We don’t fully understand what causes dopamine cells to be lost in some people or why people get Parkinson’s, but medical researchers are working tirelessly to find ways of protecting these precious cells and they are getting closer to a cure.

This year, Design Pit is raising money for Parkinson’s UK and we have set ourselves a target of £5000. So far, we’ve had two successful events – a birthday party and a quiz night – and we have a Gala Dinner penciled in for Friday September 22nd at Aston Wood Golf Club. Please consider joining us, and help support this amazing charity and the work they do. More information can be found on this in our magazine Pit Stop – to get on our mailing list, please click here.

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