Happy New Year!
Here at Richard Thomas Copywriting HQ, I've started the year off on the right foot, and I'm honoured to have been amongst Sunday 5th 2016's #SBS winners, and to join this exclusive club. I can't wait to get involved and reap all the opportunities it may offer.
If you're looking for copywriting to get your year heading in the right direction, be sure to head over to my website at www.richardthomascopywriting.co.uk – I have lots of great deals and discounts on offer at the moment, including offers for start-ups, food and drink establishments, Etsy users, artists and makers, photographers, and more.
You can email me at richard@richardthomascopywriting.co.uk
And you can find me on Twitter: @rtcopywriting and Facebook: /richardthomascopywriting
Have a great year.