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A Serendipitous Mistake!!

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Have you ever made a mistake that turned out to be a best-seller?

Towards the end of 2015, a tired Gavin was making some of our Caramel Surprise Nougat and he accidentally added the egg white mixture twice. We didn’t want to waste the batch, so we decided to let it set and eat it ourselves. 

After it had set, Gavin cut it and it looked OK, but it was quite soft…. and totally delicious!

We decided to pack some of it up and take it to a show, with plenty of samples, to see what the response was from our customers – we sold out within the first hour or so! 

We asked people what they thought about it, and, on the basis of the very positive comments people made, we decided to add it to our range – so, new in our website shop for 2016 is Soft Salted Caramel Nougat with Nuts …and based on it's popularity so far, it looks set to be our best-selling nougat this year.

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