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Accountable is a key word in business planning

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Goal setting for your business

With the end of the year in sight, did you set any goals for your business in 2022? And if you did, did you write these down and did you share them with some like a coach or mentor or accountability partner? They say if you share things in writing or out loud then that commits you and you feel more accountable and inspired to take action to achieve your goals. Richard Branson who knows a thing or two about business said “I always try and remind myself that even if you only get one step closer to your goal – it’s still a step in the right direction. All those little steps add up. My tip for sticking to resolutions and goals is quite simple: write it down. Ever since I was a young boy I have made lists of goals, resolutions and things I need to get done. It’s how I make sense of the ideas in my head, the suggestions I receive, and the progress we are making. What’s more, if I didn’t write down all of my ideas and resolutions, I would probably forget them!”

Whatever you did or didn’t do, we are not here to judge and we hope that you have achieved what you set out to do. Now let’s move onto 2022 …

Be accountable for your marketing

Let me ask: Do you easily lose focus? Do you need help staying on track? Do you procrastinate a lot when making marketing decisions for your business?

As we have already said, if you share your dreams and goals with someone else in or outside of the business then they can help you be accountable and cheer you on and encourage/nudge you to take action. They can check up on you and chase you and support you. Accountable is the key word here. So how to be accountable?

How to be accountable

When you sign up to weight loss classes or exercise classes, you go weekly or whenever to get weighed or to look at your diet plan to check on your progress and to be patted on the back or to be helped if you need it. Same goes when you were at school, you did regular tests to check what you had or hadn’t learned and you got a good mark and praise or again support if needed on where you went wrong. This concept of hand holding, checking in on you, supporting, accountability or whatever you want to call it is commonplace and happens all the time. So why wouldn’t you seek such guidance for your business and your goals? Some of you do I imagine through a coach or mentor and good for you.

Holding you and the business accountable marketing wise is a service we offer. We find out where a client is, where they want to be and then through talking, reporting, planning and monitoring, we use our years of experience on this journey from a to b. we don’t judge or tell clients off if progress hasn’t been made or things are slower than we hoped, but we do encourage, support and find solutions to initiate action and progress. Find out more One client said “Nicole is super organised in everything she does, she made sure I kept on track with my goals and is always a supportive person on hand for myself and my clients whenever advice and marketing guidance is needed.” It is all about how to be accountable for your marketing.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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