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Baby Fresh awarded Food Hygiene Rating 5

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At  Baby Fresh we aim to provide parents a wide variety of nutritional and easy to cook meal kits that they can make at home for their children. At Baby Fresh we have a huge variety of ingredients, flavours, new foods and recipes, we make baby led weaning and beyond much easier with our meal kits and subscription plans. All the plans are organised by day with the prepared ingredients and recipes for each day, much easier when the planning is done for you.

We are a family run business based in Millisle delivering across Northern Ireland and UK. We plan, pack, and prepare all your meal kits ourselves with the utmust care and attention taken for each recipe kit to ensure you get the best quality ingredients, prepared in the right way ready for you to make at home. With this in mind we are pleased to announce we have recieved our Food Hygiene Rating of 5. 5 is the best rating which means hygiene standards are very good and we are rated against the following areas:

  •   handling of food
  •   how food is stored
  •   how food is prepared
  •   cleanliness of facilities
  •   how food safety is managed

Find out more on the Food Standards Agency Website.

Our customers are our priority so we have taken every step to ensure food hygiene is the best it can be by keeping food safe, implementing safe processes, and making sure we are trained and up-to-date with our personal food hygiene certificates.

If you have any questions contact us at

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