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Better to Buy a Brand New Costume Rather than Hire one?

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The fancy dress costume industry has changed dramatically over the years. At one time people invited to a costume themed party would hire something to wear from their local costume shop, pay a large deposit in case it was damaged after they had worn it and then bring it back to the shop when no longer needed.

Nowadays, the choice of themed and costumes has grown substantially and includes Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Titanic etc etc and the price of  brand new packaged costumes has become so affordable that not many people want to wear a 2nd hand costume anymore.

Some party shops still have costumes for rent but to be honest, would you want to wear something that has been used over and over again, smells a bit like a charity shop aroma when you can open a fresh sealed package with something new to wear.? 

Also with fancy dress shops on the high street dwindling it is so much easier to browse an online  website from the comfort of your own home, whatever the weather, and without parking fees, choosing what to wear and having it delivered to your address too.

Here at Fancy Dress Bash we try to keep up with the trends and the news. If something hits the news like recently the alleged incident involving Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson, suddenly everyone wants to dress up as him for fancy dress parties!

The Royal family are always in the news and everyone loves a good old English themed party with Union Jack bunting, flags and red, white and blue costumes.

So would you rather buy a new costume or hire a 2nd hand one?  I know which one I would prefer!

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