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Can you trust the cloud?

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With hundreds of companies adopting cloud computing every day, the cloud needs to present a secure environment upon which you can run your business. The majority of distrust in the cloud falls to two main areas, the security of the cloud and the reliability of the cloud.

The cloud replaces physical servers, and is made up of a network of remote servers, meaning you can’t physically see where your data is being stored, which may be off-putting to some businesses looking to migrate.

So what about these remote servers then? Just how reliable are they? Well very – is the answer. Let’s look at the Microsoft cloud for example. With Office 365 – Microsoft’s public cloud computing solution, your data is replicated across multiple servers in various locations around the world – rather than one physical server in your office. If a server were to go down, your data is already backed up to another, meaning your business critical information is always there and available. Microsoft is so certain that your data is safe in their Office 365 cloud environment, that they even offer a 99.9% financially backed uptime guarantee. That’s one big promise. Microsoft encrypt your data while it’s on their servers. With Office 365 you’re provided with complete control of your data, giving you the freedom to fine tune the kind of encryption your business needs to help you better protect your files and emails.

Still think your data is safer on your own servers? If something was to happen to the server in your office – fire, flood, theft, equipment failure – retrieving your data would be a lot harder and more expensive. Many companies are moving to the cloud for financial reasons.

So the cloud is a very trustworthy and secure place. But be aware of the data protection laws for your industry. Certain bodies such as the FSA for example may not permit data to be stored outside of the UK or EU, so becoming a full cloud business may not be suitable for you. Read our tips for choosing the right cloud solution for your business needs.

When it comes to security, the cloud has got it covered and there are applications to enhance this security even further to protect against the human error that so frequently leads to a data breach, like Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility Suite or EMS for example.

EMS is the latest Microsoft addition to the mobile device management market (MDM) and is designed to protect the mobile devices that are used to access your company’s information from the cloud. According to Microsoft, 95% of all security breaches are caused by human error, so protecting devices used outside of the office environment is crucial to keeping your data secure.

So it’s safe to say that your data is more secure in the cloud than it is stored on a server in your office. Storing data in the cloud not only means your business critical information is safe, but if anything were to happen to your office, you can up sticks and carry on business from anywhere with an internet connection, and on any device. Because the cloud brings flexibility, allowing you to work from any place, anytime.

Not protecting your data can have serious implications. If your devices are unprotected and you encounter a breach, do you know what you have at risk? For some businesses a security breach can result in loss of staff productivity, loss of earning or even mean going out of business completely.

With the cloud now transforming more and more businesses and making it easier than ever to work from anywhere, protecting our mobile devices is crucial. Don’t take the risk and think it won’t happen to you, because thinking it won’t happen to you could cost you your business.

Contact us to find out how Microsoft Office 365 and EMS could work together to keep your business safe.

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