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Decorating With Mirrors: The Dos and Don’ts

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1. Large mirrors for small rooms

This is probably the best solution for small spaces but you can’t deny that it might not work in every small room. It needs to be placed strategically so that you don’t overcrowd the room. For example, a mirror with a lot of detail next to a detailed wallpaper may look cluttered, whereas if you use less detailed mirror like this window style mirror next to a patterned wallpaper and lot of table accessories, it pulls the room together and makes it seem much larger than it is.

A large mirror in a smaller room is the perfect way to create depth and reflect light all over the room. Carefully place it where it will accentuate beautiful features. You could choose a mirror that flows seamlessly into the wall or choose a large heavy mirror you can lean against the wall. The perfect option for the latter would be an ornate framed mirror.


Traditional Dining Room


2. Use mirrors as focal points:

Mirrors are a very adaptable piece of décor. You can use them to help create a space which is solely for the functionality or purely to make the room aesthetically pleasing. For example, a mirror in the living room is more likely to more likely to be used for reflecting light and creating space within the room rather than it being used as a place for doing your hair in the morning.

Choosing a place for your mirror to be displayed as a focal point is likely to be one of the most important decisions you will make about the room in which it is being place because you will build the rest of the room around that focal point. So, before you jump in and place the mirror think about what the purpose of the mirror is. How is it going to be used? Is it purely for doing your makeup in the morning or do you want to place this mirror in the room to create extra light?

When you have decided, place it in an area where it will catch the eye of your family and guests or simply lean it against the wall to create drama and style. Go bold and choose a unique mirror that is completely eclectic to the rest of the space or coordinate it with the elements or colours around the room to make pull the rest of the room together and draw eye towards that focal point.


3. Use Feng Shui to your advantage:


Feng Shui is the Chinese art of placement – Literally translated, it means ‘wind and water’. The concept’s aim is to create flow of chi (energy that flows through everything) within a space. 

When is comes to decorating with mirrors, use the rules of Feng Shui to your rooms advantage. Here are some key areas that you can focus on when decorating with Feng Shui in mind:

  • Reflect beautiful view of plants to double the beauty but be sure not to reflect the garden through a window or door as this will pull energy inside from the outside the window and reflecting a door is bad Feng Shui (Keep reading for more on this)
  • Reflect dining and living areas. Dining represents a family’s wealth and in the living room is where gatherings are held. Mirrors in these areas reflect and enhance the energy of that space.
  • Don’t place a mirror opposite the front door as it pushes energy right out the door. Also, putting a mirror at the end of the hallway or at the bottom of the stairs as both draws negative energy.
  • Don’t place mirrors in bedrooms. It is known to bring interference in relationships and can bring bad dreams if the bed is reflected.
  • Make sure that you don’t place it where it will reflect a stovetop or a fireplace, put it above the fireplace if you want to balance the energies within a space. 




1. Don’t use mirrors on the ceiling:

Mirrors on the ceiling is bad in terms of aesthetic and Feng Shui (See point 3 of the dos for more details on this) Mirrored ceilings reflect a cheap motel vibe and push the energy of the room in all directions. Always place your mirrors to create a flow within a room.


2. Don’t overdo it:

Don’t clutter your room with mirrors. Though they are very versatile pieces of decor, if the placement is not right, it can cause unnecessary chaos. 

Just because there are a lot of empty wall spaces in your room doesn’t mean you must put a mirror on every wall. The use of mirrors in a room is not restricted to one or two but you need to be strategic about using them to prevent clutter, create space and light. Be careful not to reflecting any clutter.  

Although mirrored furniture helps create the illusion of having more space and it also adds a certain element to any room, overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Don’t use it in busy rooms and high-traffic areas of you home.


3. Don’t forget to clean them regularly:

If your goal is not to have that antique, old world charm to your room, then you definitely have to clean your mirrors regularly as they can easily collect dust and if not done in the right way and with the right tools, streaks and lint are most likely to be still visible. Don’t settle for other than a sparkling mirror in your house. For some tips on how the get your mirrors looking spotless, read our top 4 DIY Eco Friendly and Natural Cleaning Tips for Spotless Mirrors and Glass right here.

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