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Don’t be spooked by unreliable IT

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For most small businesses it is not a viable solution to have a complete IT Department. Often it can still be too expensive to deploy even one permanent member of staff to look after your IT issues. Many small business owners are under constant pressure to conduct their business efficiently, whilst at the same time trying to reduce costs.  

 A reliable and efficient IT system can save you thousands of pounds

If you are currently experiencing issues why not speak to Amshire Solutions Limited as we can configure your system to be reliable and efficient for all your Users. We can ensure you have secure access for Remote Users that may be working from home or whilst on the road.  

 We achieve this by making sure your System works for you. Some of the things we do are: –

  •  Remote and On-Site Support
  • Systems Management 
  • Computer Systems Health Monitoring – hourly, daily, weekly monthly
  • Virus Protection and Content Filtering for Servers, Workstations and Email Systems
  • Secure Remote Access for remote / home workers
  • Internet Services – Broadband, Leased Lines, Domain/Web Hosting, Email Systems 
  • Supply and installation of Servers and Workstations

All of this means that your System is both secure, but also accessible for authorised Users as our qualified engineers are all Microsoft Certified Professionals with many of them being Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers.

Our professional service is designed especially for the smaller business and it costs less than you think.

 So for peace of mind contact Amshire today

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