A Free Guide to Online Marketing
At Metalfrog our belief has always been that we have to deliver some kind of return of investment for our client. Sometimes this is a direct monetary return, and sometimes this is simply a level of enquiry which generates a monetary return indirectly from our activity. In order to be successful we look at all aspects of the process of Internet marketing. Often, the process of searching for a product or service begins with a Google search by a viewer with a focus on a particular result for them – the right website with the right product or service. For this to be work satisfactorily there has to be some attention paid to the governing factors in this ‘journey’.
These factors include:
1. A great Meta title tag for the web page you wish to rank. The Meta title tag is the most important tag in the site build and for the search engine. It describes the page content and it is (normally) made up of a maximum of sixty characters including spaces. When you carry out a search on Google you see this on the natural or organic listings in blue above the Meta description.
2. Great pitch through Meta description. The Meta description, while not imperative for search engine success, is better served as the ‘pitch’ contained within 160 characters (including spaces) which is found underneath the Meta title tag line. It describes the page and is fundamental in persuading a viewer to visit that page. This tag has little search engine value.
3. Fast website hosting. it’s all very well being able to purchase hosting from (so-called) reputable companies which advertise hosting for £1 a month, or some similar figure, but do you really expect to receive a professional managed strategy, fully optimised for search engines and viewer engagement, for this kind of cost. It’s not very likely. So a number of things can happen to you when you pay for this kind of hosting. Firstly, it is more than likely that your website will be placed on a server with thousands of others, probably being virtually hosted around the World. Secondly, you are likely to suffer from other website success on this server – sharing bandwidth and web space. Finally, it is likely that your website is down more than it is up. Google advises us that the majority of viewers will not wait longer than 2.4 seconds for immediate page load of any website – possibly less if on a mobile or tablet device. Second page load waiting time reduces significantly (approximately 1.6 seconds), so you need to ensure that your website is on the fastest possible server and is fully optimised daily.
4. The flow of the website. It is imperative that you keep the flow of the site clean and simple. The more difficult it is to navigate the site the less the viewer will engage in it. The likelihood is that you will have done all the hard work of getting your site listing seen only to find that the viewer is disappointed by the page or its navigation. Flow is everything. Signpost the web page to where you want the viewer to end up. An e-commerce web site experience can begin at product level (with a special or unique offer from the home page) but it may also commence at category level meaning that the viewer has to drill down into products individually. Ultimately, you want the viewer to be able to check out easily and quickly, and ensure there are ‘extras’ offered along the route. If you have a brochure or enquiry site the requirement is similar, except for the fact that your viewer may not view many pages and may contact you anyway. Ease of contact is critical in this type of web site.
This is an example of our page for the key phrase – ‘web design company’ –
https://www.metalfrog.co.uk/digital-agency-uk. This brings the viewer from the search phrase straight to a page within the site which carries the information they have enquired about.
If you follow these key indicators you should be providing both viewer and search engine with a great experience, taking both from Meta to money will ensure your long term success online, in our experience.