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Handmade by Tinni Jewellery designs are now stocked at the Gift Shop of the Barbican Centre of London!

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My designs will soon be stocked at the Gift Shop of the Barbican Centre of London. Barbican Centre
The Barbican is an arts, learning, and conference centre in the heart of the City of London.
This is in conjunction with the exhibition called ‘Unravel – The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art’. Running from Tue 13 Feb—Sun 26 May 2024 in the Art Gallery. My designs will be part of the gift shop. The amazing team at the Barbican wants to promote local artists and they loved my collection as a ‘Textile Jewellery Artist’.
Handmade by Tinni might be my so-called ‘side hustle’ but it is my passion calling and I am so proud to be stocked at a famous and esteemed place like Barbican Centre of London.
Dreams to do come true!
Everything is possible when you work hard to follow your passion.

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