“Unattractive windows turn shoppers into passers-by”*. It is a retail rule that is as true for every small independent retailer as it is for destination stores on Bond Street London or 5th Avenue New York.
FOUNDiiD ‘s own research reported that 90% of shoppers** pay attention to windows when walking or driving. A further 28% of shoppers say the main reason they enter shops are the windows.
The four windows below are all captivating examples of attractive windows which would stop any passer-by in their tracks. Each one represents a distinct Visual Story crafted with Simple, Solid, Intelligent, and Beautiful Design.
Do you feel the moment of victory in the kinetic genius of this display? Whilst these mannequins are headless, you can still sense the emotion of the win because of the skill of the positioning of the arms and feet and clothes. He is a winner. The display is a winner.
Take a mannequin and a simple white window box. Dress with arresting geometrical patterns and a clever set of graphic props and you have a window with immediate visual impact. The yellow of the washing machine
and the additional hint of yellow on the mannequins t-shirt force the eye to the centre of the arrangement, yellow being one of the strongest colours for eye-appeal (this is why New York cabs are yellow).
This window is an award winning design collaboration between two globally famous brands. Designed by Gam Fratesi for the Hermes and Apple Watch collection, it is a stunning graphic driven display created around the theme of birds and beasts. At the centre of each complex structure is the Apple Watch. The Intelligence in design is twofold: (1) the architecture and form of the display and (2) the courage to have the promotional product be a visually modest element to the overall design.
A stunning display from multiple retailer OCE in Guangzhou in China. The delicious consistency of the fresh pastel theme is carried through each and every displayed product from clothing and home object to the geometric props.
These displays show the imagination, the fun and the artistry that can be achieved with retail window design. To find out more about FOUNDiiD’s distinct retail storytelling skills click here or contact us at info@foundiid.com .
*Retail Week, John Ryan. 2016 / **FOUNDiiD Window Display Research 2016