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National Organising Week is coming! (6th – 12th November 2023)

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Did you know that living in an organised, decluttered home is linked to a happier life?*
“ Research by The Happiness Research Institute in Denmark

This year’s National Organising Week is focused on ‘Making your place your happy space”, and Mel Carruthers, SBS winner and decluttering and organising expert, wants to share her tips with you!

National Organising Week (6th-12th November) promotes the benefits of decluttering and organising. And to share practical and easy-to-use advice on organising your home better, to help as many people as possible to create environments that are positive and supportive to their happiness and wellbeing.

We are living through difficult times. As organisers, we are increasingly finding that homes are being bombarded with consumerism that’s impacting negatively on the way we feel and behave.  Do you feel like your home is stressful and disorganised?  Are you trying to get things in order to help navigate life right now?  Worried about the state of your home as we head into Christmas?

Owner of More Organised Mel Carruthers ( explains, “National Organising Week is an important time for us, as the industry experts, to share our knowledge with the public to help you overcome organisational challenges in your home. I’ll be sharing tips and advice throughout National Organising Week. And of course, continuing to work with our clients to help them find more space, calm and clarity so that they can get on with more of what makes them happy!”.

Please do get in touch if you can see an opportunity to collaborate for National Organising Week 2023. Interviews, articles, competitions… we’re here to help your audience get more organised!

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