Our Precious Earth continues to gain media attention!

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Keith Hunt opened his sustainability shop ‘Our Precious Earth’ in February 2023 and lately, hardly a week goes by without gaining an article in the local news! They were quick off the mark to react from a press release of Keith’s #SBS win. This is along with being chosen as one of the Small Business Saturday 100, a Plastic Free Champion Gold Status from Surfers Against Sewage and now being shortlisted for the Somerset Business Awards 2024. “I can’t believe how much attention my business has received in it’s first year My customers have been so supportive to help my shop be a success and many tell me how happy they feel when they visit!”

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#SBS Invest 2024 – Conditions of Entry

#SBS Invest – Conditions of Entry    The Promoter: 1.1 Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday Limited with registered company number 08540787 and registered address 1