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Partnering and having fun

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The last four months have flown by with partnerships growing and flourishing, with awards now appearing for products that we have designed together. Throughout the curve balls, changing workstreams, trails, adapting to changing economies they have all pushed us hard, but together we have succeeded.

Miss Witt: This partnership saw the creation of Explorer’s chocolates. The centre filling has a light juniper, lemon verbena and citrus note that melts with the chocolate in the mouth. At the end of last year she was awarded a Gold medal at Taste of the West and a Silver at the iconic World Renowned Academy of Chocolate (very hard competition).

James Gin: There has been so much fun in designing these gins. Designing the briefs through to creating the spirits, trialing new combinations, then sampling at the pubs. At the end of last year James and his team won Gold at World Gin Awards with Asian Parsnip. American mustard was launched at the end of last year and makes a mean Martini!

This year looking forward to some challenges (already on the table) and new products.

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