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Review – My Nametags Hello Kitty School Labels

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My Name Tags School Labels
We’re still reeling from the realisation that Isabelle will be starting school in September. She’s out littlest so it’s a bit scary. Our biggest is starting College this September which is quite apt as he started secondary school the day that his little sister was born.

She missed out on the 2014 intake by a whole EIGHT days and we had initially thought that she was going to start on her 5th birthday, but it turns out that she will start the week before. She is more than ready for school and has been for some time being ‘Little Miss Independent’.

My Nametags Hello Kitty School Name Labels
As a second child going into education we are fully aware that the washing and ironing of school uniform will be the bane of our lives for the next few years. As will the constant loss of school uniform parts and the following trip to the lost property box.

We were really thrilled when we were asked to review the My Nametags School labelswhich will hopefully help Isabelle to identify her school uniform apart from other children’s easily with the help of Hello Kitty.

My Nametag Name Labels are brightly coloured labels with her name on which should be instantly recognisable, especially as hers have Hello Kitty on. Previously the attaching, both sewing and iron-on labels have been a bit of an endurance and only the sew-on ones seemed to stay put.

The name labels that we received are sticker labels so really easy to apply (even with the help of Isabelle) and can be applied to the washing labels of clothing, juice cups, bags, pencil cases and lunch boxes. In fact you could use them to label all your pens and pencils as well as you get 56 labels which go a long way.

To order the labels was extremely easy, just enter the name that you want (with or without a contact phone number), choose the design and instantly you see the results on your screen. There are loads to choose from including Hello Kitty (like us), teddy bears, crowns, flowers and more. You also get to choose the background colour as well making them as personalised as possible so that your child can easily identify there own items.

So having done part of our school uniform shopping (still have to endure the school shoe shopping trip) we had a bit of a ahhhhh moment when Isabelle tried on her pinafore for the first time. She looks so small but so big and grown-up all at the same time.

Then comes the labelling……..

My Nametags Hello Kitty School Name Label Review
So as a fan of Stickers, Isabelle is in her element at the chance to put her name on anything and everything so this was a LOT of fun for her.

My Nametags School Name Label Review

We have labelled her pinafores, you literally just stick them to the labels, nothing more to it. We have labelled her polo shirts, school jumpers and fleece, her school coat and wellies and her lunch box. We will also label inside her shoes once we have got them.

My Nametags Hello Kitty School Name Labels Review
I think this will give her more confidence at starting school as she doesn’t always ask so will be able to easily identify her own things herself.

My Nametags Hello Kitty School Name Label Review

To order yours for school or nursery, visit their site www. – Funky Baby Clothes

*We were sent a set of My Nametag Hello Kitty Name labels for the purpose of review. All photographs and opinions are that of myself and Little Miss Isabelle x 

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