Romantic bedrooms for a happy ever after

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The next best thing to a romantic Valentine weekend away has to be the luxury of a quiet night in, alone with one you love and the comfort of sleeping in your own bed.  After all, home is where the heart is and an Englishman’s home is his castle and all that.  However, making the boudoir fit for a princess, or even a stately queen, does take a little bit of effort.  A romantic bedroom needs a few criteria setting firmly in place before the magic of scented candles, champagne and chocolates can add the final touches.

So, key to the perfect bedroom is one that is tailored exactly to providing a relaxing environment for sleeping, waking and some fun in-between. And priority #1 is removing the need for clutter.  Consider how your space can be made to work more effectively for you and you’ll find that fitted furniture will hit the mark in terms of functionality as well as from an aesthetic perspective.

Getting the storage right means there is a place for everything, all the minutiae of his and hers clobber neatly accounted for, from sock drawers to shoe space, dresses to gym attire, with wasted space reclaimed to provide smart solutions for de-cluttering, such as bridging units that run above the head of the bed or the inclusion of a stable door. A dressing table and bedsides can provide handy additional storage, as well as look visually attractive.

Then the fun part begins – making the whole room attractive with careful consideration to every element. Your style & finish of furniture: contemporary, classic, ornate or simple; thermal laminated, spray or hand-painted.  An absolute benefit of bespoke furniture is that all tastes are well and truly catered for.  

So, whilst your chosen colour scheme and soft furnishings will set the overall tone for the bedroom, details such as subtle lighting are worthy of mention, including adequate provision for extension leads and lamp flexes.  Lighting needs to work for a variety of different times and functions; you might want it bright enough to read one night, but without blinding your partner the next. Another time warm enough to soften and complement skin tones one minute, but bright enough later to apply make-up (without a torch).

Have your music built into the furniture (no rummaging around for your iPod) and include mirrors, adding to the ambience of the room, not only appealing to our hidden narcissists, but also reflecting light and giving the illusion of greater space.

Whilst the addition of George Clooney or Jennifer Aniston may be the perfect final touch for some, your new setting will certainly get your pulse racing even without them!

Happy Valentine’s Day.

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