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Sarah Lou Crafts nominated for a People’s Choice Award.

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Sarah Lou Crafts has been nominated for the People’s Choice Award in the annual BizBubble Awards that celebrate the UK’s Small Business sector by rewarding and giving recognition to some of the best independent businesses our nation has to offer!

The People’s Choice Award will be given to one small business that is nominated by, and then voted for by YOU – the British Public!

For all those nominated, it is a great chance to take part in a fun friendly competition whilst getting extra exposure for your small business. The business with the most votes will win the ‘People’s Choice Award’ and be awarded some fantastic brand-building prizes.

To win this award would give my small business another big boost and recognition for all my hard work, especially after winning the Small Business Sunday from Theo Paphitis in September 2023 and I would like to thank everyone that has supported my small business this year.

You can use the link below if you would like to vote for Sarah Lou Crafts.

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