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Having only won with #SBS on Monday 30th January 2017, This week has been somewhat of a whirl wind for us.  Our Twitter account has exploded with followers and interest, A new world of networking has opened and of course we had the event on Friday to arrange to get to.  

Having attended the event at the ICC in Birmingham yesterday we wanted to take this Opportunity to say:-

  • How well organised it was
  • How friendly everyone attending was
  • What a great learning experience it is with so many inspiring speakers.
  • I have to say that having the opportunity to ask Theo Pathitis, Deborah Meaden and John Mills questions and listening to advice for over 2 hours was a real unexpected bonus.

Over the next few weeks we hope to be able to look at any developmental opportunities which may exist within the SBS and look forward to engaging with some of you.

Keep an eye out for our future blogs as we will given everyone a whistle stop tour of what we do at Garden Games Hire HQ and some of our exciting services which we have to offer.



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