If you’ve got this far and have opened this article to read, then you have alreadyrecognised that you may need a little bit of support in your business. I’m glad you’ve chosen Remote Associates to give you a little bit of an insight.
You’re possibly feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do? Spending more hours doing those menial tasks that take up your precious time, when you could be concentrating on the elements of your business that make you the income. For example, clearing andprioritising your inbox, sending and chasing up invoices, scheduling appointments, answeringenquiry telephone calls, proofreading and editing documents, keeping on top of your social media or even taking time out and remembering to have lunch (VA’s offer reminder services too!). Well then, you need a virtual assistant!
So just what are the benefits?
1. Virtual Assistants are independent contractors. So you won’t need to pay them for any holiday, sickness or benefits. They are also responsible for their own Tax and National Insurance too, so you can forget about having to work all that out.
2. Virtual Assistants work remotely. You don’t have to have space in your office for them. They have their own computers, desk space, software, internet and all the other general office set up that you need to run a business. Some VAs, if they are in your local area, and you require them to, can offer an on-site service if it’s preferred.
3. Virtual Assistants are flexible. They work on an hourly basis, so can provide as little or as much support as you need, from one hour to 15 hours per week.
4. Virtual Assistants are experienced. They come from a background of administrators, secretaries, PA’s, EA’s and many more professions. Many have been involved in management and have a flare for being able to maintain projects to a very high standard. A VA will be more than happy to discuss with you their experience and how it can benefit you and your business.
5. Virtual Assistants are dedicated and committed. Their business relies on successful relationships with their clients and building a rapport and friendship.
It really is a growing industry, and more and more businesses and individuals are finding the help of a Virtual Assistant invaluable.
Think about the tasks that take up your time. Write a list and then give us a call here at Remote Associates. We would love to see how we can help.
~ Hayley and The Remote Associates Team