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Social Media brings SEO success!

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As a small business you always think what success can you gain and sometimes it's celebrating the little victories that brings success in other areas.

In my case it's how I dealt with and handled a variety of social media wins and how this has shaped how the business does things across the social media platforms it uses.

I suppose I should start at the beginning, so when the business won Theo Paphitis #SBS in October 2011 and soon after Jacqueline Gold #MOM (Men on Monday) in March 2012, the male partner competition for #WOW (Women on Wednesday) I decided to do two things. The first was shout about from the rooftops and the second was to add two distinct pages to my business website more for information purpuses to promote the competitons and to promote that I had won.

Time went on and found out that on seperate occasions these pages along with the variety of blogs I had written about them and projects I had done due to winning them were getting picked up by Google and making a positive impact for the readers.

More content on the website through other activities across social media has made my little website surprisingly visible. I say surprising and not only do I have no knowledge of SEO but I am fully aware of the size of my business compared to those within my industry. No violins please, I'm just stating a fact.

This now brings us to now and as I'd not done a search on #SBS and #WOW in over a year I thought I'd do so last week and boy did I get a surprise.

Not only was the business website page one on Google for Theo Paphitis #SBS, it was also page one for Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday and page one for Jacqueline Gold #WOW and page one for Jacqueline Gold Women on Wednesday.

I've been doing a happy dance ever since!!

So after your win, look at what you can do to boost your business both on and off social media.

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